Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Easter weekend. The weather is lovely here and we have spent a lot of time in the garden.
Napoleon is on ebay at the moment. I love making old, vintage looking bears or as much as I am able, some people manage to make them look so battered and aged but this is as far as I go. He has a lovely ruff made from really beautiful old lace.
I managed to get some cross stitching done but am not too sure of the 'tree' in the middle. It needs ironing so please don't look at that but if I am going to redo something I didn't think there was any point ironing it. 
The 'tree' was originally supposed to be the same colour as the acorns and I thought that was too insipid but I now think that the dark green is too dark. Any comments would be appreciated.


Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Hello my friend and Easter greetings! I love Napoleon! He is precious! As for the green tree on the cross stitch, I actually like it very much and think you should keep it.
Have a beautiful day.
xx, shell

danybrod said...

Happy easter Megan !

Je te souhaite une belle journée



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