Saturday, April 9, 2011

I am finally back, so much time has gone by. Thank you for visiting and sticking around and not giving up on my blog.
March was one of those months that you wish you could rewind and do over, I had dreadful flu, my dad ended up in hospital, the car had to have very, very expensive repairs, our broadband service was intermittent for eight weeks and all sorts of other drama. I was so tired all the time, a left over from the flu I think but things slowly got worked out and now life is almost back to normal.
We had a few good things happen, my niece Victoria was born on the 17th March. She is the most beautiful baby girl and is adored by the whole family, she had a few problems to start with but is now fine and giving her parents the usual problems by not sleeping at night.
April has started off nice and quietly with the weather being lovely, the sun has come out and we have had a few very warm days. The photos are of some of the flowers already appearing. The garden is looking amazing and I have taken so many photos.
On the bear making front I am busy stitching and making, an order is almost ready, a bear for ebay is getting her face done, a pattern bear is awaiting clothes and shop orders are cut out and ready to stitch. I should have some photos to share soon and will be very much more active on the blog updates.

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