Saturday, February 16, 2013

It has been so long since a blog update, thank you for staying around and visiting. It seems to have been even crazier around here than normal and the days have slipped past, I can't believe that it is half way through February already.

We have had so much snow, lots of rain and freezing temperatures, I am starting to feel as if winter is never going to end.
Lots of bears have been made, mostly orders and a few for ebay. I am sharing a couple of photos of recent bears that where on ebay.
Hugglets Bear Fair is a week away and I am so behind with the bear making. 

This will be a very short post, I am trying to get back into the habit of blogging and will have some new bears to show you all soon.

1 comment:

Lilu said...

Какие красивые!!!!


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