Friday, June 18, 2010

The weeks that were. Or the lost time when I didn't blog. So much has happened and I just kept on putting off sitting in front of the computer and writing.
A brief summary, my Dad's 80th birthday was on the 23 May and we had a lovely time, all the family got together and we had a relaxing day at home. The weather was a hot 28 degrees so it was perfect. That weekend we also lost internet access for a day and a half.
Then my Dad had to go into hospital suddenly, he has developed osteomyelitis, an infection of the bone in his foot. He was there for a week and a half and really scared everyone but is home and getting better all the time although at the moment it seems that he will be on long term antibiotics.
The next weekend we lost internet access for two and a half days, don't use BT if you have another choice, they are a bit useless. We were also trying to finish bears for two shops and for the Stratford-upon-Avon bear fair. Absolute chaos.
On Sunday 6th June my sister Bronwen visited Stratford  with us, she and Wendy went sightseeing while I went to the bear fair. Then we had to drive home, it is so amazing that we are only an hour and half away but we drove through the most appalling cloud burst and it took us a bit longer, luckily for us the flooded side of the road was in the opposite direction. There is really extreme weather in this country, it is still taking a lot of getting used to.

Life finally calmed down a bit and got back to normal, my Dad is getting better, the bears got sent off and we have been busy working on orders. I will just post one picture of an ordered bear, she is the most lovely colours.

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